Mtskheta - Tbilisi Tour -2 people

Язык Английский
Стоимость 400 GEL за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 9 часов

Mtskheta is the old capital of Georgia (Kartli kingdom). This is the place where in 4th century, ST. Nono came to preach Christianity, heal sick and turned Georgian people into Christians. Its a must see place in Georgia

Tbilisi is the capital of Georgia (since 5th century) and has been invaded and destroyed numerous times by enemies. Its a mixture of old and new architecture offering new discoveries.


The tour itinerary:


-Pick-up from hotel after breakfast

-Jvari monastery

-Mtskheta city tour

-Svetitskhoveli Cathedral

-Local market

-Wine degustation

-Return to Tbilisi and a Lunch break on Meidan Square

-Metheki church

-Narikala fortress (by Cable car)

- Legvtakhevi Waterfall

-Abanotubani (Sulphur-bath district)

-Holy Trinity Cathedral

-Drop-of to your hotel

-Night stay Tbilisi




Certified tour guide

Cable car fee (1 way)

Wine degustation


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