Rabat Tour :Discover the city of light with a certified guide

Язык Английский
Стоимость 100 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 3 часа

Morocco has so much to offer.  The Moroccan experience is like no other.  If you are fortunate enough to visit Morocco and get to engage with the people, you’re soul will automatically become richer, wiser, and fulfilled.

You will have the opportunity to visit the old part of the capital of Morocco and discover it from a local perspective. I will make sure you have a historical and cultural immersion. 

The tour will start from Rabat Ville train  Next stop will be St.Peter Cathedral

we will head next to the Hassan Tower and MohammedV Mausoleum (We will be able to have a nice view of the neighboring city of sale, the marina, and the new opera house)

After that, we will walk along the marina of Rabat in the direction of the Kasbah of Loudaya where we will visit the Andalusian Garden and have a walk in the Kasbah of Oudaya.

We can take some time to stop in a local coffee shop where the locals usually hang out , This is an opportunity to ask as many questions as you like about the daily life of locals and the Moroccan traditions and culture while enjoying a cup of mint tea and Moroccan pastry.

Our last stop will be the Medina and its traditional shops which sell local products. We will also get the chance to see where the locals usually do their shopping 


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