Half Day Rickshaw Tour (Old Dhaka)

Язык Английский
Стоимость 30 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 5 часов

Old Dhaka is known as a living museum with a rich cultural background of more than 400 years as the capital city of this region. In the 12th century, the township developed on the bank of the river Buriganga based on the Dhakeshwari temple (The central Hindu temple of Bangladesh). During Mugals (1608) Dhaka was made capital of Bengal.

We will visit Sadarghat, the central river port. Boating on the river Buriganga is interesting. Pink Palace, the home of Dhaka King. Walking along the mass through some narrow lanes explore the lifestyle of the locals known as Dhakaia.

Handicrafts, workshops markets along with traditional foods are great. Armenian Church is a historically significant architectural monument situated in old Dhaka. The Star Mosque, the most decorative mosque of the city. You will enjoy the Rickshaw ride through the narrow lanes of old Dhaka with full of cultural activities. Lalbagh Mughal Fort.

In the morning will pick you up from your place in Dhaka. Proceed to Dhakeshwari Hindu temple (2 pm-4 pm closed) Lalbagh Mughal Fort (closed on Sunday). Visit Sadarghat, the central river port. Boating on the river Buriganga (if you like), Pink Palace, the home of Dhaka King opens at 10:30 am (closed on Thursday), and Beauty Boarding. Walking along the mass through some narrow lanes explore the lifestyle of the locals known as Dhakaia. will explore local handicrafts, workshops markets along with traditional foods during our visit to old Dhaka. Also visit Armenian Church, Husani Dalan and Tara Mosque.


-Dhakeshwari Hindu Temple

-Armenian Church Dhaka

-Ahsan Manzil Museum (Pink Palace)

-Sadarghat River Port

-Husani Dalan

-Beauty Boarding


- English speaking Guide

- Rent of a Rickshaw for local sightseeing tour as the mentioned points in old part of Dhaka.


- Transfers between your Hotel & Old Dhaka.

- Any Meals

- Entry Fees for the monuments


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