1 Day Akagera Wildlife Safari

Язык Английский
Стоимость 460 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 8 часов

One day Akagera wildlife safari will reward you with a great encounter with a number of wildlife that this park harbor’s. The park is known for its great wildlife, birds and plant species. It has recently been stalked with rhinos, lions and its making it to be a hot sport for Big Five Game Park.

On your safari day, you guide will meet you at your hotel in Kigali at 5:30 am, share a short briefing before you drive off to Akagera national park, which is located 2 hours away, close to the Tanzania border in the Easter side of the country. You will have a great en route drive, with stopovers along the way. By early 8am, you will be at the park gate, register and kick off, your game drive hunt, in search for the wildlife such as buffaloes, impalas, elephants, zebras, giraffes and much more. You drive will stretch to the northern side of the park, where much concentration of wildlife is sighted. A picnic lunch will be enjoyed during the course of the say, as you proceed with the game drive. As time pas by, at around evening ours, you will exit the park in the northern gate, and drive back to Kigali, reaching in the evening, and dropped at your hotel.

wha's include:

-All airport transfers

-Transportation in a 4×4 safari vehicle

-Park entrance fees

-Game drive in the park

-Picnic lunch

-Services of English speaking driver/guide.

-1 liter bottle of mineral water per day per person during safari


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