Four days Three nights Syria tour

Язык Английский
Стоимость 1095 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 4 дня

We begin our tour by visiting Damascus, the oldest inhabited capital in the world, contemplating its antiquity and its ancient commercial markets, and visiting the Umayyad Mosque, Al-Azm Palace, and the Church of Ananias. We walk in the straight street that starts from one of the gates of Damascus, which is the Eastern Gate, and we end in Bab Al-Jabiya, enjoying our view of the ancient exhibits in the markets of the old city. We visit the famous Hamidiya market, relax for a while in the oldest coffee shop in Damascus, enjoy walking and tasting Syrian street food, and conclude our tour enjoying the nightlife in Damascus.

The second day: We move to Maaloula, the village built into the mountain, which takes its global symbolism from being the village that still speaks the language of Christ (Aramaic). We visit the famous monastery of Saints Sergius and Bacchus, then we walk the holy road to the monastery of Saint Thecla.

From there we move to Homs, where we visit the Zannar Church of the Virgin Mary and see the ancient church hewn in the rock

Then we move to Aleppo and spend the night there

The third day: We visit ancient Aleppo, which is steeped in history, walking through its parts. We visit its famous citadel, wander through its covered markets, and see the splendor of its gates and traditional soap factories. We do not forget to visit the Khan of Soap and Copper, and in the evening we enjoy Aleppo’s distinctive food.

Day four: We move to Apamea and visit this ancient monument and walk through what remains of its ruins. From there, we move to Hama and visit the waterwheels and the handicrafts market, wander through its historical alleys and eat its distinctive food, then on our way to Damascus.


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