Marrakech visit

Язык Английский, Французский, Итальянский
Стоимость 50 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 1 день


Marrakech, the imperial city that gave its name to Morocco, is now one the best an important tourist attraction due to its natural beauty and the rich artistic and cultural heritage. A guided tour of Marrakech is a great experience to discover Marrakech’s most famous sightseeing. Starting your Marrakech visit in full-day with a nice botanical garden majorelle and then we head directly to the ancient medina to admire the famous Koutoubia mosque, the emblem of Marrakech and one of the masterpieces of Islamic architecture. After, we continue to the stunning 12th century Kasbah, here we’ll see the distinctive carved Black gate Bab Agnaou. Following this, a visit to the 16th-century necropolis of the Saadian Tombs; the only historical site embellished with gold-leaf in Morocco. Then, a walk through the Mellah (Jewish Quarter) and a visit to the aristocratic Bahia Palace, where we see a lush Moorish style garden in the courtyard of a large palace with beautifully painted residential chambers. We conclude our tour with a stroll through the famous Jemaa Lfna Square to see the bustling atmosphere created by snake charmers, singers, story-tellers and many other types of entertainers. Later on, we pay a visit to suggested souks (the metalwork, the brass copper, the leather …etc) to watch the locals selling everything from fresh vegetables and spices to leather and jewelry. You will have the chance to explore the craft centre cooperative to admire the workmanship and to practice your bargaining skill


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