Day Tour in Berat. The City of One Over One Window

Язык Английский, Французский, Немецкий, Итальянский
Стоимость 140 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 8 часов

Depart from at 8:30 AM and arrive in the historic city of Berat, known as ‘the city of a one over one window’s, by 10:30 AM. Here, you’ll have the chance to explore the ancient castle, a testament to a millennium of history, and take in the stunning panoramic views it offers. Within the castle you’ll also find the iconographic museum housed in the medieval Church of St. Maria. Following the castle tour, enjoy a traditional lunch at 12:30 PM in one of the charming restaurants located in the museum quarter, steeped in history. After lunch, delve into Berat’s two museum quarters. Meander through the cobblestone streets and enjoy some leisure time starting at 2:00 PM for personal exploration or relaxation. The departure from Berat at 4:00 PM and returning to the hotel by approximately 6:00 PM. Enjoy your journey through Berat’s rich tapestry of history and culture.

140 Euro. pp.

included: Guiding, Lunch, Tickets,

Transfer 250km.


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