Palmeraie camel ride

Язык Английский, Французский, Испанский
Стоимость 55 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 1 день

Use an ancient mode of transportation to see Marrakech at sunset on this guided tour. First, visit a Berber house and learn about their culture while enjoying a cup of mint tea with the residents. Then, experience a camel ride through the Palmeraie, a lush palm grove located outside the city. As you ride, your guide will explain the important relationship between Moroccans and camels.

Palmeraie Camel Ride Description:

On this camel ride adventure, you will explore the countryside, following in the footsteps of caravans that have done so for centuries. Wear a traditional cheich (protective turban veil) and ride through authentic villages and green palm groves, where you will get to observe how the locals outside the Marrakech city center live. Along the way, stop for a break to enjoy a cup of mint tea, surrounded by the unique landscape of sand, palm trees, and grass.


Pick up 1 hour prior sunset (if interested in the quads, 1 hour earlier)

20 minutes to get to the palmeraie

1 hour camel ride

20 minutes tea break and pictures with turbans

20 minutes to drop you back at your hotel.

What’s Included:

Private A/C Vehicle, 4WD Toyota Land Cruiser + fuel

English/French/Spanish speaking driver during the day trip

Pick up & Drop off at your Marrakech accommodation

Camel ride in the palmeraie

Tea break

What’s not Included:



Entrance fees to monuments, studios and Kasbahs ( visits are optional )


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