Imperial cities 8 days and 7 nights

Язык Английский, Кантонский, Французский, Итальянский
Стоимость 850 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 1 неделя 1 день

This tour may be only a week long, but it will leave you with memories that will last a lifetime! It all begins when you land in the Mohammed V International Airport in Casablanca. You’ll make your way through customs and see the professional, English-speaking driver ready to take you to your hotel. He’ll soon become a friend, helping your trip to go smoothly and showing you the real Morocco that not all tourists get to see.

You’ll be taking in everything as you make your way to the hotel…is your first impression of Casablanca that it is more modern than you expected? Or maybe you are noting the lovely djellabas that the older Moroccan men and women wear…

If you arrive early enough in the day, your driver will take you to the Hassan II mosque. This is one of the most famous landmarks in Casablanca, as intended by its namesake, King Hassan II. The Atlantic Ocean, over which the mosque sits, complements the turquoise and green coloring the minaret. Since the minaret is one of the tallest in the world, you’ll have to squint to see the intricate patterns.


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