Classic Morocco

Язык Английский, Итальянский, Испанский
Стоимость 1700 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 1 неделя 2 дня

A classic Morocco trip starting in Casablanca and ending in Marrakesh takes you on a journey through the country’s rich history, vibrant culture, and diverse landscapes. Explore the imperial cities of Rabat, Fes, and Marrakesh, visit the Roman ruins of Volubilis, and wander through ancient medinas. Experience the magic of the Sahara Desert with a camel trek in Merzouga, and spend a night in a desert camp under the stars. Along the way, you’ll pass through the Atlas Mountains, visit stunning gorges, and discover Morocco’s enchanting kasbahs.

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