Discover the Wilderness of Nairobi National Park in Just Half a Day

Язык Английский
Стоимость 129 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 6 часов

Tour Overview

Join Jossec Safaris for an unforgettable half-day adventure to Nairobi National Park, the only national park in the world located within a capital city. This guided safari offers a chance to experience Kenya’s stunning wildlife in its natural habitat without venturing far from Nairobi. Spot iconic animals, enjoy the convenience of a quick escape to nature, and return with memories to cherish.

Day 1: Morning Game Drive at Nairobi National Park

Your adventure begins with a pick-up from your hotel, apartment, or residence in Nairobi at 6:00 am. Our professional Jossec Safaris guide will warmly welcome you and brief you on what to expect. Shortly after, you’ll head to Nairobi National Park and enter through the main gate to begin your three-hour game drive. Keep your eyes peeled for incredible wildlife such as zebras, giraffes, buffaloes, and more. With some luck, you may even encounter lions preparing for the day or rhinos grazing peacefully on the vast plains.

After the game drive, we will happily drop you off at your hotel or the airport for a seamless end to your trip.

Why Does the Price Vary?

The price of this tour depends on factors such as the group size, and any additional services you may choose to include. High demand during peak tourist seasons may increase prices, while off-season bookings often come with discounts. Group tours can also lower the per-person cost. Reach out to Jossec Safaris to explore options that fit your budget and needs.


Nairobi National Park entrance fees

Pick-up and drop-off in a comfortable safari vehicle.

Professional Jossec Safaris guide.

3-hour game drive in Nairobi National Park.

Bottled water during the tour.

Not Included:

Meals or snacks.

Any additional activities or personal expenses.

we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional experiences to our guests. With our extensive expertise, reliable safari vehicles, and personalized service, you are assured of an unforgettable adventure.


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