Álvaro Sabogal - местный частный тур гид в стране Перу


Peru Ecoadventures and cultural trips are hosted by the very best tour operators in Cusco who offer top of the line service in every way. With a solid focus on ecology, the environment and the people, Peru Ecoadventures is a leader in sustainable and, even more importantly, socially responsible tourism.

Peru Ecoadventures offers single and multiple day tours starting from Cusco. Tours can take you to into the streets,sites,trails and more to explore the historical sites within Cusco, to the Sacred Valley, and to Machu Picchu. The classic Inca Trail trek tour can be either 4 or 5 days and should be reserved several months in advance. Treks to other Inca trails, such as Choquequirao, Salcantay, Lares, Vitcos- Espiritu Pampa, ending in the Machu Picchu citadel can be reserved any time of the year.

Peru Ecoadventures offers Multisport Tours as single day or multiple day excursions that combine white water rafting, trekking, hiking and mountain biking. The raft adventures can take you on the Vilcanota and Apurimac rivers, the head waters of the Amazon. Land and river expeditions can take you to the Tambopata and Manu rain forests to observe flora and fauna as well Birdwatching.

Your holiday with Peru Ecoadventures will leave you deeply connected to Peru, its people and its natural splendor. You will feel especially good because Peru Ecoadventures has gone above and beyond to respect and protect the Peruvian people and their homeland while assuring that you had a most enjoyable and memorable visit to Peru.

Álvaro Sabogal – Tour Guide- Director

Peru EcoAdventures and Cultural Trips.e.i.r.l

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