Polly kenyon - местный частный тур гид в стране Франция

Hello !!

Welcome to my profile.

I'm a licenced tour guide in Normandy since 10 years.

I would love to show you the highlights of this region, the less famous spots too!

My favorites are the Mont St Michel (8th wonder of the world), Monet's gardens, the city of Rouen and Honfleur.

I also have good knowledge of the D-Day beaches, a must-see.

Less famous places but just as fascinating are Etretat, beautiful old benedictine abbeys, cider and cheese producing farms, to name a few.

We can also create your perfect tour to meet your requiremnets together.

I look forward to meeting you,

A bientôt!

PS : the prices provided are just for the guiding.

Vehicle and driver and not included.

Please ask for a quote.

Языки Английский, Французский, Немецкий

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