Adolfo Ferrero - местный частный тур гид в стране Испания

Adolfo Ferrero, Toledo Licensed Guided with a degree in Art History.

For a graduate of Tourism with a degree in Art History, there is surely no better place to establish a career as a Tour Guide than in the marvelous city of Toledo.

My vast work experience has taken me through the diverse sectors of the world of tourism and art (travel agencies, transfer escort, exhibit coordinator at Madrid’s Reina Sofia Museum and accompanying group guide throughout Central Europe for twelve years). Experiences that have contributed to my cultural and professional development and that today add to my richness as an Official Tour Guide of Toledo, licensed by the Regional Government of Castilla-La Mancha.

I have been working as a guide continuously since 2007 and hope to continue for many more to come. My objective has always been, and will always be, to transmit the flavors, experiences and sensations that are awoken by one of the most enchanting cities in Spain.

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