Andrew Belik - местный частный тур гид в стране Австралия

Greetings fellow travelers

Having been blessed to work in the Airline industry, travel & tourism has been my passion.

Most of the year I live in Hobart Tasmania as it’s an amazing place on this planet

For a few months over winter I head north towards Sydney & Queensland & conduct the occasional private tour there.

If you do plan to visit Tasmania I would love you to be my special guests.

Having a network of great quality AirBnbs in Hobart & all over Tasmania as well as special discounts at great Hotels in iconic locations I can compile a holiday package for small & large groups.

As I have worked also in the catering industry cooking for most major Airlines as well as some restaurants when on working holidays I have a passion for good food.

Currently I combine this love of travel & food with my love for Tasmania.

We visit some great places & can prepare some yummy food to eat on location.

Please contact me for a complete package deal.

Local knowledge of the best places to visit, a safe vehicle to travel in with great food & a range of accomodation to suit your requirements.

Языки Китайский, Чешский, Английский
Валюты Доллар США (USD), Австралийский доллар (AUD), Гонконгский доллар (HKD), Сингапурский доллар (SGD)

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