Chiara Sbragia - местный частный тур гид в стране Италия

Hi! I'm a Licensed Tour Guide and a freelance Language Tutor in Vico Equense (Sorrento Coast). Involved in the promotion of cultural heritage and tourism, I also organize Italian language and culture workshops.

GUIDED TOURS: discovering hidden treasures, historical sites and nature between Vico Equense & Sorrento. Discovering the wonders of Vico Equense and Sorrento Coast and their hidden secrets, a fascinating walk through nature, history and cinema. Enjoy charming paths full of history, traditions and legends! Admire nature and breathtaking landscapes!

VISITAS GUIADAS entre Vico Equense y Sorrento: descubriendo joyas escondidas entre historia y naturaleza.

¡Ven a descubrir las maravillas de Vico Equense y Sorrento con sus secretos, fascinantes caminos naturales, paisajes encantadores y lugares marcados por la historia!

VISITE GUIDATE alla scoperta dei tesori nascosti di Vico Equense e della Costiera Sorrentina.

Alla scoperta dei tesori nascosti di Vico Equense e della Costiera Sorrentina

tra storia, natura e cinema!

Языки Английский, Итальянский, Испанский
Валюты Евро (EUR)

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