Gerardo Patino - местный частный тур гид в стране Канада

Hello, my name is Gerardo and I am a local private tour guide in Toronto, Canada.

During the 14 years that I have been a tour guide, I have developed a passion for my job. For me, it is a joy to be able to show visitors and travellers my city, Toronto, take them in an adventure to Niagara Falls, and talk about the history and geography of Canada and how it became to be the greatest country it is today. I feel very proud of what I do and I like to share it with all those who choose to visit this beautiful part of the world. Please come and join me for an adventure of a day or two or more!

If you have any specific requests to visit other cities in the area, please contact me by email with your questions, and I will be happy to give you some suggestions and quotes. I offer tours to Ottawa, Quebec City, and Montreal upon request.

Языки Английский, португальский, Испанский
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