Mladen Tutavac - местный частный тур гид в стране Хорватия

Hi there, my name is Mladen and I would very much like to show you beauties of my country, especially The region of Dalmatia with beautiful cities of Split, Trogir, ancient Salona and the island of Hvar. I can tell you about its history, interesting facts about Diocletian's palace or the beautiful Trogir cathedral. Show you the nature beauty of both Dalmatia and Slavonia, local places of interest, wine roads, local gastronomy. I can even show you nice bike roads with less traffic and ride with you. If you like a peaceful vacation without crowd, and lot of space for yourselves, enjoy wines and local food, come to Osijek, Vukovar and Ilok (all in eastern Croatia).

Языки Английский, Французский, хорватский, Итальянский
Валюты Евро (EUR)

Экскурсии (7)

Отзывы Туристов (1)

Аудроне Кайрене
09 ИЮЛ 2019
I highly recommend Mr. Mladen as your personal guide in Osijek. He is an excellent guide and has the right mix of historical facts and figures. We were for the first time in Osijek and liked this tour very much. Audrone, Lithuania
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