Alfonso Gomez - местный частный тур гид в стране Колумбия

Hey nice to meet you all, I'm Alfonso, 22 years old from Cartagena, I'm university student and musician who would be glad to be your guide. If you are looking for a Iocal to accompany you in Cartagena here I am! I am friendly, easygoing, open minded and cheerful. It is my pleassure to show you the city, parks, streets, squares, beaches, food, walls, among others.

I like this activity because I can know about others cultures sharing about mine, and at the same time to practice my english. If you speak spanish there is no problem, I am open to show you the city too. Let's write me, I swear will do my best to you have a great memory of the city!

Send me a message for any question,

Языки Английский, Испанский
Валюты Доллар США (USD), Евро (EUR), Колумбийское песо (COP)

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