Ahmed Osman - местный частный тур гид в стране Египет

It’s Ahmed Osman , I’m 32 years old, I grew up on the bank of the Nile River. I lived my life in a Nubian village with my family. Due that nature of my life to appreciate the beauty of the our land and history that we are all surrounded by, made me a tourist Guide. My family consist mother and father with 2 sisters and myself. Both of my sisters still studying , one of them is studying archeology and the other is studying Hotels and tourism.

When I was young. I used to go with my family to the city center on the other side of the River, for shopping. I used to see plenty of tourists and tour guides around. Ever since I had a great passion know and get closer them to know what are they talking about. That was the main factor to encourage me to study English. I used to visit our archeological sites during my childhood until I grew up. I feel I really want to know all about this history and great culture. I decided to move to Cairo to join the faculty of Archaeology and Tourist Guidance. I studied for 4 years. I trained with the most and the famous egyptian and forigener archeologists in the world. I had to do research about the history of ancient Egypt and the Nubians , Civilizations of the ancient Near East.

Since my graduation I used to work as a researcher, a tour guide and Egyptologis and covering every part in Egypt even the deserts, i feel passionate to read the herogliphics from the walls of ancient temples , Moreover I used to give lectures for students and for whoever is interested in the Egyptian history and via the internet across the globe for instance America, across Europe and the Arabic countries

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