Alfonso Muñoz - местный частный тур гид в стране Испания

Safe tours here

Official tour guide specialized in Spain, passionate about culture, history, art and gastronomy, with extensive experience in managing plurinational groups.


Mi name is Alfonso. I am a passionate 27 years old guide from Madrid.

I have been guiding for almost 5 years all over Spain and Portugal , giving diferent kinds of tours as both a local guide and tour leader.

I have studied business and tourism and I have been profesional athlete.


Since I was a kid I have always loved knowing new places . I enjoy improvising within those new cities and discovering new places along the way. I am curious about everything.

I consider myself to be enthusastic, knowledgable, deep and openminded person.

I am a people person. I love getting to know new people and learning from them.

I love to travell anywhere and anyway.

I have lived in Germany and I have worked and studied abroad in many different locations.

When I had a surgery on my hip I had to stop playing sports and start from scracth. I began thinking "what do I like and what do I do well?". My friends would always ask me things like: Where should we go for dinner? Would you come with me to the Prado Museum ? Alfonso, How do we get to this place or that?

I have always been interested in history, gastronomy and art : the roots of any place culture. The way we the humans interact with the enviroment.

When thinking about my hobbies and these facts about myself I decided that guiding could be something that could appeal to me. Luckily for me, it worked out.

Being a tour-guide is a lot being like a student. I am always studying new things, preparing new activities for the tours and learning from people I meet. I started guiding in the tricky city centre of Madrid and afterwords in other cities, museums, palaces etc.

In my tours I love to show the real deal of the places we visit, to have local experinces and if possible to interact with locals. I don't like to ignore controversial topics. To go often off the beaten truck.

I invite you to do a tour with me , I would be more than happy showing you my city. During a tour with me, we will learn from each other and our different backgrounds.

Thank you for your time reading this.

Языки Английский, Испанский
Валюты Доллар США (USD), Евро (EUR), Швейцарский франк (CHF), Фунт стерлингов (GBP)

Экскурсии (24)

Отзывы Туристов (1)

Pedro Latorre
04 ДЕК 2018
My family and I, had a wonderfull time with this passionate and knowledgeable guide that we seriously recomend
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