Victoria Krik - местный частный тур гид в стране Россия

Hello and welcome to Kaliningrad!

My name is Victoria and I’m guide in this beautiful city. I started to work as a tour guide in 2013,I like my job .I was born in Kaliningrad and I can show you the most beautiful places of my native city and it's suburbs.

I offer full variety of walking and driving tours, museum visits, trips to magnificent outskirts palaces, boat trips, transfers and help with accommodation.

I am an English teacher, I am using English all day, everyday. First of all because I am a private teacher and I like to share my knowlegde. But summertime is better for traveling, than for studying. So, in summer I leave the classroom and enjoy showing my favourite Kaliningrad places to the city's guests.

I am a very communicative cheerful,kind and positive person.

Those who know me say I am a creative and bright person. Believe me with me you will never feel bored because I can't stand being bored myself!


Языки Английский, Русский, Испанский

Отзывы Туристов (1)

Werner Boesiger
25 МАЙ 2021
Outstanding tour guide. Excelllent english. Very charming. High class. Outstanding knowledge about the various spots to visit in Kaliningrad. She really takes care of you during your stay. She merits a five star note.
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