Philemon Kesete - местный частный тур гид в стране Эритрея

I have been living in my city for more than 20 years. I love everything about my city. I have a very strong community and I love the atmosphere of the places I hangout in.

Though I studied computer engineering, I was mesmerized by the beauty of this country and its people. This might be the reason I decided to become a photographer and guide, and have tried to learn almost everything about my country and my city.

I am always in good mood, cheerful and happy no matter what happens around me. I have extreme desire to please people and to influence their life in a positive way. I have been trying to inspire people through my photography by showing them what I see and what I felt. However I decided to become a tour guide to let people experience this area through their own eyes instead of my point of view. I think it's important for you to have your own experience through visiting the places that have had a profound effect on my growth.

I look forward to planning a tour with you, and hope you will enjoy your stay in my country. Philimon.

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