Carmem - Carminho - Maria Silva - местный частный тур гид в стране Португалия

I'm mainly an expert on Douro river as Cruise Director and Tour Manager, but I'm also a piece of great knowledge on wines and gastronomy, the best places to visit and to eat and drink, from the rustic and traditional to the chic and original. With me, you don't have problems where to sleep, in the city center, downtown or the most isolated and relaxing Hotel, where QUALITY is the main service. I work with a fantastic team of drivers that speak several languages, official guides, and public relationships that will welcome you and drop off you at the airport. For small groups interested mainly on Food & Wines, please contact us, we have secret spots where the Quality is even higher!! Try me ....

Языки Английский, Французский, Итальянский, португальский, Испанский
Валюты Доллар США (USD), Евро (EUR), Фунт стерлингов (GBP)

Экскурсии (7)

Отзывы Туристов (2)

Mike Smith
05 МАР 2022
Carmem is an excellent very knowledgable tour guide. I have been on several tours with Carmem, each one very informative and fun! She goes the extra mile to make sure everyone had a good time. I would happily book her again.
jean-bernard blondel
22 НОЯ 2023
Bonjour. Maria est une guide disponible, avec un Français impeccable. Nous la recommandons vivement pour la visite de Porto ou elle réside. Connait trés bien les lieux ou l'on déguste de la cuisine portugaise ou locale. Aucune déception par rapport a nos attentes. jean-bernard Blondel
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