Manijeh Vahidi - местный частный тур гид в стране Иран

Manijeh Vahidi

Professional Profile:

I am a French and Turkish and english language instructor with over 10 years of experience as a cultural tour guide. Holding an international guiding card in French and English, I specialize in organizing and leading unique cultural tours across Iran. My extensive background includes working with French-speaking and Turkish-speaking tourists, ensuring exceptional travel experiences tailored to their preferences.


Bachelor’s Degree in French Translation

International Guiding Card (French & English)

Certificate in Technical Management (Type B) for Travel Agencies

Proficient in French, Turkish, Persian, and English

Professional Experience:

Tour Guide (2018 - Present)

Successfully led tours in major cities such as Tehran, Kashan, Isfahan, Yazd, Kerman, Shiraz, and northern regions of Iran.

Delivered in-depth cultural insights and historical context in French, Turkish, and Persian.

Organized tailored travel itineraries for diverse group sizes, ensuring seamless logistics and memorable experiences.

French and Turkish Language Instructor (2013 - Present)

Conducted language courses for individuals and groups, focusing on practical communication and cultural understanding.

Developed personalized learning plans to meet students' goals, whether for travel, business, or academic purposes.

Key Skills:

Expertise in Cross-Cultural Communication

Detailed Travel Planning and Logistics Management

Exceptional Public Speaking and Presentation Skills

Multilingual Fluency: French, Turkish, Persian, and English

Deep Knowledge of Iran’s Cultural and Historical Sites

Additional Services:

Transportation arrangement tailored to group size

Customized travel itinerary planning within Iran

Assistance with accommodation and local experiences

Mission Statement:

My mission is to share the rich cultural heritage of Iran with global travelers, providing them with personalized, insightful, and unforgettable journeys.

Языки Английский, Французский, Персидский, Испанский, Tурецкий

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