Jamel Saidi - местный частный тур гид в стране Оман

Our various tours journey into the heart of Oman and discovers the essence of Arabia. From Muscat, Oman’s eclectic capital, 4WD’s will transport you to a world of dramatic peaks and wadis, pristine coastline and rolling sand dunes.

Observe the turtles at Ras Al Hadd, get swallowed by the rolling golden dunes of the Wahiba Sands, which you could discover by jeep or camel. Visit the oasis town of Nizwa, to see some of Oman’s most famous forts, experience the varied scenery with a trek along the rim of Oman’s very own Grand Canyon , spot dolphins or discover the rich marine life of Oman.

Follow the frankincense trail in the south and the daunting sand dunes of the Empty Quarter explored by Wilfred Thesiger, the renowned explorer! A fitting finale to your tour of Oman will be to see the hauntingly beautiful landscape and fjords of the Musandam Peninsula.

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