DEEN MOSLEH - местный частный тур гид в стране Египет

My name is DEEN MOSLEH. I am a certified English Speaking Tour Guide. I hold a B.A Degree in English Language & Literature from Department of English Language & Literature, Cairo University. Besides, I hold a Diploma in the Egyptian History and Guidance. I am Egyptian / Ecuadorian and I speak English And Spanish. I am a member of the the following associations:

• The Egyptian General Tourist Guides Syndicate (EGTGS).

• The World Federation of Tourist Guide Associations (WFTGA)

• The Egyptian Ministry of Tourism.

I am so patient with my guests and my goal is to make them enjoy the tours to the fullest. Besides, I am so passionate about the ancient civilizations in General and the Egyptian civilization in particular. I like to meet people from all over the wold and it is my pleasure to pass to them my knowledge about my country and its incredible history. I do tours all over Egypt within reasonable affordable prices but with high quality. I can tailor the tours according to the interests of the clients. Your satisfaction is my target.


I can arrange transportation upon request.

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