Fida Tinda - местный частный тур гид в стране Индия

Since my childhood, I liked to travel a lot and meet new people. I joined the travel industry in 2000 and I have been providing private tours and guide services to many guests from different parts of the countries. Travelling is my passion and there is nothing more fulfilling to me than the smell of a new place, the sounds of a new city, the traditions of an alternative culture, the flavours of a different cuisine, and the melody of an unfamiliar language. Meeting interesting and diverse people around the world, connecting with them and learning about their cultures and traditions which are very interesting to me that words cannot express.I am a very simple person, moderate and down to earth. I like to listen to music, watch movies, read books and explore new places. Since 2010 I run my own travel agency (Astera Tours). I arrange private tours and provide guide services as well.

Языки Английский, хинди, Русский
Валюты Доллар США (USD), Евро (EUR), Австралийский доллар (AUD), Фунт стерлингов (GBP)

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