Anita Gr - местный частный тур гид в стране Украина

Hi Friends!

My name is Anita. I usually work in the office. But I’m happy to meet with different people from different countries and I’ll show you around my city.

Come here. Welcome to Kyiv :)

Языки Английский, Русский, украинский
Валюты Доллар США (USD), Евро (EUR), Гривна (UAH)

Экскурсии (7)

Отзывы Туристов (3)

Ken Lin
24 ИЮН 2019
Anita is a very nice person. She arranged everything perfectly. Had a very good tour with her. Thank you!
Abhi Br
23 СЕН 2019
Anitha is nice and cool tour guide who got very good energy to explore various places within Kiev if you want to explore the city in a day. She is nice, cool , calm and interactive tour guide.
From Abhi, India
Don Crawford
09 АВГ 2021
Anita is a very respectable and knowledgeable guide who takes pride in showing you the sights and sounds of Kyiv. I was fortunate enough to book her and was not disappointed. I particularly enjoyed the traditional Ukrainian restaurant she brought me to in order to taste the local food, it was delicious. She can walk around the city for hours and show you the many historical churches, monuments and buildings, as well as give you an understanding of the history related to them. I thoroughly enjoyed my tour with her and highly recommend her as a tour guide.
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