mohamed motarib - местный частный тур гид в стране Марокко

My name is mohamed. I am Berber from the desert south of Morocco, graduated as a tour guide in Morocco. I studied English, Spanish and French at the university and practiced these languages with tourists. I also know a lot about culture and traditions. and I have worked with different travel companies in tourism for severals years which made me a experienced guide tour.

Now a days i provide Morocco Private Desert Tours, Morocco Private Guiding Tours, Marrakech Excursions, Marrakech Day Trips, Family Tours, Camel trek in sand dunes of the Desert Sahara, Trekking in the Mountains and Desert with best deals for Private Clients, Groups and Families, fabulous Tours. Which you can customize your owner private tour that refers to your interests , wishes and your budget.

If you would really like to have an authentic unforgettable experience enjoying Berber culture in Morocco with its amazing natural landscapes.

Feel Free to contact me. In my wthsap I'd +2126. Thank you

Языки арабский, Английский, Французский, Испанский
Валюты Евро (EUR), Марокканский дирхам (MAD)

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