Thuy Nguyen - местный частный тур гид в стране Вьетнам

I'm a licensed tour guide who is delighted to show the beauty of Vietnam as well as it's rich history, exotic culture and gastronomy to international friends . I'm profesional , friendly , flexible , delightful which would contribute to your wonderful time in Vietnam

If I'm busy that day or if it would be in a diffrent city I would recomend a friend(we are all profesional, friendly tourguides ) . Please give me a pm :)

Языки Английский, Испанский
Валюты Доллар США (USD), Евро (EUR), Донг (VND)

Экскурсии (4)

Отзывы Туристов (1)

31 АВГ 2022
It was so wonderful to have an amazing guide like Thuy . She is very kind and speak good English. You will never regret if you choose a guide like her . She understands people needs quickly. If you are planning to visit Vietnam, Hanoi make your plans and get in touch with Thuy . You will have a safe stay and unforgettable time in Hanoi . I recommended everyone who is serious and have a clear plans this amazing Guide. THUY
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