Daniel Shewalem - местный частный тур гид в стране Эфиопия

My name is Daniel shewalem , i was born & raised in lalibela. I am a certified tour guide for Northern parts of Ethiopia lalibela , Bahir Dar , Gondar ,Axum ,semiem mountain national park and posses a university degree in economics with more than 15years of experience in the tourism bussiness .l also have a Diploma in tourism from the catering and tourism Training Institute of Addis Abeba .

I speak fluent english and the local lanuage Amaharic , my father and my grand father was head priest in one of the churches of lalibela

.DAN LALIBELA TOURS is a private eco- minded Tour and Travel company, promoting tourism and Travel in Ethiopia, managed by an experienced Ethiopians. We offer programmed and tailor made package tours, At the historical route Lalibela, Axum , Bahir Dar and Gondar - southern ethenic and Nature tours , omo valley tours , bird watching , the Danakil desert tour including Dallo , Erta Ale - Trekking to semien mountain National park - Airport Transfer , hotel and lodge booking. Lalibela is a town in the Amhara region of northern Ethiopia. It's known for its distinctive rock-cut churches dating from the 12th and 13th centuries, which are pilgrimage sites for Orthodox Christians. Carved out of rock, the subterranean monoliths include huge Bete Medhane Alem, and cross-shaped Bete Giyorgis. Many are joined by tunnels and trenches, and some have carved bas-reliefs and colored frescoes inside

Языки амхарский, Английский, Французский, Немецкий, Итальянский, Испанский
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