Aidana Kamchybek Kyzy - местный частный тур гид в стране Кыргызстан

I would like to write short description about myself. I love sport and play basketball from 12 years old. Recently I started to learn Chinese language and dance social dance. From 2010 I started to go to American Corner that is in Bishkek in which I had a chance practice my English with foreign volunteer. Why do I want to be a guide? Passion to travel have started since 2013, when went with my groupmates to Ala-Archa mountains. In Ala-Archa we had picnic and after we went to waterfall. There were 10 people at the beginning and 5 of them only reached waterfall at the end, in which one of them was me. After this day, I had a passion to explore more places. Every month I started to travel to different places to Kyrgyzstan and in 2016 I had a chance to be in Germany. I have lived in Germany for a year and also visited France, Austria, Niderland, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Czech Republic. Being as tourists I saw that in Europe so many tourists and think about how can I show my country for others. After finishing my university I started to work in travel company. I worked there as a guide and tour manager. I worked as a guide in whole Kyrgyzstan and also Kazakhstan. I had tours with tourists from England, Germany, Belgium. After one year I realized that I would like to do my own tours and show real Kyrgyzstan with very interesting itinerary. I will be very glad and proud of being guide 

Языки Английский, Немецкий, Русский

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