Begaly Toktobaev - местный частный тур гид в странах Кыргызстан, Казахстан, Таджикистан

It is my pleasure to welcome you to Wonderlands of nomads. My name is Begaly from Kyrgyzstan. I love what i do, it is my air to breath and live to work in tourism, proud to be Kyrgyz and show you all such an amazing country. I fluently speak Russian, Kyrgyz, English and basic French, Turkish, German. 

I have been working as a guide/interpreter and driver since 2011 and organize tours regarding to your wishes. 

Trekking in the celestial mauntains of Tien Shan Ranges

Horseback riding in pradise lands of shepherds/Nomads

Cultural tours, discovering the life of nomads and get close to them.

All inclusive: Tradition, culture, nature, adventure, hiking, horse riding

And more activities up to your wishes

I am here to make your trips better, come and let me help you to make your days unforgettable in Kyrgyzstan!

See you soon in Kyrgyzstan! 

My skills, interests, and hobbies: Proactive, communicative hard working young man, interested in outdoor activities. Like taking picture on my phone and spending time in nature!

Языки Английский, Немецкий, Русский
Валюты Доллар США (USD)

Экскурсии (6)

Отзывы Туристов (1)

Abdalla El Said
02 АПР 2019
Visited Kyrgyzstan in the 1st week of March as planned and asked Bgaly to be my PG for the full period.
Had a super great time, Learned to Ski, he was very capable guide, knew exactly where and when to take me to the right places. even managed to attend a big game of Kuk Bareu (Spelling is probable wrong)
He was more than a private guide, he was a fiend who knew everything about the country.
Excellent value for money and will sure recommend to my friends.
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