Alina Baidoc - местный частный тур гид в странах Румыния, Болгария

Hello! I am Alina, I live in Bucharest and I have been working as a travel guide ever since I was in College, so I could say travel became my usual life style :) I see traveling as a beautiful adventure, a ceaseless discovery journey, that can truly make one richer and happier. I decided to promote travel in Romania from a strong belief that this country has extremely beautiful experiences to offer. I recommend the authentic travel style: meet the people, taste their foods, change ideas and opinions with them and be part in their daily life. Romanians are so kind people and welcoming towards their guests that staying in a local pension will rather feel like coming back home to your relatives :) It sure feels like that to me.

I think Romania is amazing, and each time I conduct a group through my homeland, I discover it over and over again. I invite you on a discovery journey in the Wild Carpathia! Let us hear the Transylvanian Legends together, be amazed by the complexity and originality of the Bukowina paintings, meet the locals and their traditions in Maramures, enjoy the wild and unspoiled nature of Danube Delta, and explore together the fascinating old cities built by the saxons.

You will most definitely enjoy Romania!

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