Marat Akunov - местный частный тур гид в стране Кыргызстан

  • English
  • Русский

Organising and creating car tours around Kyrgyzstan. Aranging accomodation, food, excurtions for foriegn visitors, safety driving in off road conditions, organising traditional and ethnical performancies, extermal and active tours. Visa and equipment support. Acquired skills: Certificate: SuperHost Indy-Guide Bishkek 03.20 Certificate: First Aid Course Red Crescent Bishkek 02.19 Certificate: Circle of service Exellence East Guides West Bishkek 11.17 Certificate: Basic Security in The Field UNDSS United Nations Bishkek 09.17 Certificate: Advanced Security in The Field UNDSS United Nations Bishkek 09.17

My favorite skill is professional anti-accidental driving the cars. I have a certificates by First AID, by Driving in critical situations, EastGudesWest Guide Certificate, Certificate of acting in emergency situation, Certificate of Basic safety and security, advanced Safety and Security in The Field, Certificate of Dealing with aggression with hostage simulations, certificates from UN agencies and by anticrruption and advanced Security in the Field, other certificates and recommendation letters. 

Языки Английский, Kyrgyz, Русский, турецкий
Валюты Доллар США (USD), Евро (EUR), Сом (KGS)

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