Dan Cernaianu - местный частный тур гид в стране Румыния

Hello!(Bună ziua – in Romanian)

My name is Dan Cernaianu, and I am a licensed National Guide and Mountain Guide in Romania and Snowboard Instructor in the winter season.

I worked in Employer Branding and event organizing industry until 2015 when I started to work in tourism industry as a tour guide in Transylvania, Bucovina and Maramures.

As tour guide, I conduct organized private tours for in a wide range of locations, informing the tourists about heritage sites and attractions: Fortified Churches, Museums, Castles, Citadels, Wood Churches, Painted Churches, Natural heritages and natural attractions.

As a professional licensed guide, my goal is to ensure the best private tours and experiences for tourists interested in details about Transylvania, Bucovina and Maramures.

In my tours, you will discover the truth and the legends behind each attraction we are visiting together. I won’t talk about Romania the general speech from the books (e. g. historical dates and events).

I am organizing a wide variety of tours: City Tours, Cultural Tours, Active Tours, Nature Tours, Relax Tours, Wine Tasting Tours, Ski and Winter Trips. We organize Custom Tours to Romania where we will make your most amazing trip dreams a reality and will take your holiday to the next level, these tours offer you the possibility of travelling on your choice and your rhythm.

The transport is made with cars with A/C in good conditions.

Regarding my tours, if you see a tour that you might like but it is not entirely to your taste you can contact me and we can work together to create the perfect vacation for you. We can also include other cities and places than the ones that are part of the itinerary.

If you have any questions or ideas do not hesitate to contact me!

Best wishes,


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