Miguel Angel Mamani - местный частный тур гид в странах Перу, Боливия

Hi. My name is Miguel Ángel M. , I was born on the shores of Lake Titikaka and I have lived here almost all my life, you and I will tour the highest lake in the world and experience our Inca and pre-Inca cultures.

I am a professional tour guide, a native of the Andes and this lake, I will help you to visit and explore this wonderful lake, as well as our culture, our traditions, experience our cultural activities, agriculture, our textile art ), Our typical food with crops from our terraces, etc. I do not promise a historical tour, architectural tour or tour of immense buildings. I do promise a true cultural experience and a beautiful scenery of Lake Titikaka. I speak the two native languages ​​of these cultures, Quechua and Aymara "Inca and Pre-Inca" (which leads to an appropriate interaction with indigenous people)

Here in this lake originated the culture of the Incas and many other cultures before this, I have more than 8 years of experience as a tour guide I will make the itinerary adapted to your requirements and expectations. Together we will visit places like: Uros "floating islands", Taquile and Amantani "islands in open lake, unique and rich cultures", llachon "peninsula on the lake", luquina "peninsula on the lake", Sillustani "most important necropolis South America pre-colombina ", City of Puno" The largest population of the lake ", Aramu Muro, Chucuito" Temple of fertility, Inca times ", accommodation in family house, typical Andean food. And many other experiences.

more about me:

I have been involved in this business for more than 11 years, I worked in a travel agency for 2 years as assistant in tour operations, then as assistant general manager, finally as a tour guide, which is what I love to do. I think I am a specialist in cultural experiences, I like to dance, sports, the internet, I really like meeting people from all over the world.

Please contact me for any questions, and let me arrange the complete personalized Tour or just a day tour for you.

Do not just read this. Come, see and experience what exactly this is.

Языки Aymara, Английский, португальский, Quechua, Испанский
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