Dany PK - местный частный тур гид в стране Таиланд

Greeting from Thailand. My name is Dany. I came from Chiang Mai, the northern part of Thailand and the historical capital of the old Lanna Kingdom. As my previous working experience, I had chance to work with people from many countries and took them to travel many places in Bangkok, Chiang Mai and north of Thailand .However, my mainly tour is in Bangkok.

I love to be a tour guide (Lincense Tour Guide) because as a tour guide, ‘work’ means being a part of someone’s happiest holiday memories. I think I have good understanding of how to make your holiday great and can be the local friend in Bangkok. I have been a tour guide for few years and love to give my guests for great time and great memories around Thailand.

I might not the most informative guide, if you after an in-depth history lesson, but I am a friendly, flexible and very helpful guide who will respond all your needs.

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