Binioko Shamamba - местный частный тур гид в стране Южно-Африканская Республика

Hi there,

Hope this short introduction finds you well wherever you may be at this moment. I hear you are interested in exploring South Africa.


I am one of the best tour guide operating from Cape Town and its surroundings. My team and myself have been in the game for more than 10 years. Cape Town is one of the best tourist destination in the world. Once here, we will take you and your family to exiting places.

From table mountain, Robben Island, Cape of good hope, Shark diving to the Garden Route. We offer all.

Please contact us or visit our website for more details in case you decide to visit.

See you soon.

Языки Английский, Французский
Валюты Рэнд (ZAR)

Экскурсии (5)

Отзывы Туристов (1)

christiana asem ASEM
04 АВГ 2020
I am 100% with this guy i loved him and he is so good on tour
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