Gary Shaw - местный частный тур гид в стране Великобритания

Born and raised in London, I love the city of my birth and it's awesome history.

After many years hosting events and performing stand-up comedy up and down the country and as far afield as New York City, USA and Sydney, Australia, I decided that it was time to bring together my two loves, London and public speaking.

I offer bespoke day tours of London's historical places of interest.

More specific tours of London areas and themed history tours will follow shortly.

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Экскурсии (1)

Отзывы Туристов (1)

Kajsa Hedberg
04 ФЕВ 2023
More than happy with this tour through the central parts of London! Gary was very friendly, easy to talk to and knowledgeable. He made the tour interesting, telling about the history of London as well as the contemporary city. During our walk he pointed out places of interest and told vivid stories about famous events, historical persons and brittish history in general. The tour was a really nice way to start off my weekend in London and helped me know my way around the city on the days after!
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