Svitlana Muravska - местный частный тур гид в стране Украина

Hi! To know historical facts is one thing, to help people feel the spirit of the epoch and to get unforgettable impressions is another.

My history of the city is not a list of events, but a fun mix of history and legends, you'll feel like an invisible car of time will transport you to a unique past. But the most important thing in human relations: I'll consider all your wishes and advise. Let's create our own excursion route according to your interests - it's so easy with a personal guide!

    And next to me Lviv will never be a stranger to you.

I invite you to excursions to Lviv.

PhD in History, lecturer in the University.

Языки Английский, Польский, Русский, украинский
Валюты Доллар США (USD), Евро (EUR), Гривна (UAH)

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