James Simeo - местный частный тур гид в стране Танзания

My name is Geofrey Simeo James, But people use to call me James Simeo was born in Mwanza Region, Tanzania. I live here for more than 20 years of my life, my family relocated to Mwanza where he stayed the bulk of my childhood.

Graduated of Tour Guide and Operation, November of 2012 and Travel and Tourism on 2015 at National College of Tourism with adequate knowledge and experience on arranging Vegan Safaris Package, Wildlife Safari, Cultural program and Mountain trekking such as Mount Kilimanjaro, Mount Meru, Udzungwa Mountain and many other found in Tanzania.!

I'm knowledgeable and experience Guide over 8 years now and familiar with different attractions here in Tanzania. !

In additional I, m successful completed the First Aid and Emergency Training Course, and Award certificate under Police Medical Unit.

On 2012 completed the Tourism Safety and Security course at National College of Tourism, with full knowledge about Hazard Analysis And Critical Control Point (HACCP).

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