Maja Sandner - местный частный тур гид в стране Польша


My name is Maja, and I am so excited to offer private tours in Warsaw, Poland, and the surrounding areas.

I was born in Warsaw and spent 8 years of my childhood in Oregon, USA.

When I came back to Poland from the USA I completely fell in love and I decided to stay and finish high school and what came after that was college and then my first job.

A few years back I started teaching English and at the same time, I started a course for a tour guide in Warsaw to find out about the city as much as I can. I found them both very interesting and that's how I became a teacher and a tour guide. I can't imagine doing anything else. Meeting people is definitely my passion and when I can take them on a stroll around my wonderful city that makes my day.

MY PASSIONS: I also have a passion for mountains and hiking in the Polish mountains, as well as skiing. During my free time, I go to cabins out in the woods where there is no electricity or water, to enjoy life away from civilization.


Warsaw is a wonderful city with a big potential and a very rich dramatical history. Let me take you on a tour of my amazing city.

My true intention is to make you feel comfortable and of course to fall in love with Poland!


I am very flexible and can accommodate your needs while you are here. Whether you are interested in learning more about Poland's history and culture, or here for business or pleasure, I have you covered! I am available to help you with transportation, take care of your errands, etc. Anything you need please ask. I want to make sure you have a wonderful experience in the heart of Poland that I love.


If you love the wild or just simply hiking, I can advise you where to go or take you for a trip into the wild of Poland, BIESZCZADY or TATRA mountains.

Языки Английский, Польский
Валюты Доллар США (USD), Евро (EUR), Злотый (PLN)

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