Nicolai Chirnev - местный частный тур гид в стране Молдова

Hi there! :)

Welcome to my page!

Decided to visit Moldova? Good job!

As a tour guide - I am ready to show you the best of my country. You name the place - we go there!

As my suggestion - you have definitely to start with a walking city tour in Chisinau, then visit old monasteries sight Old Orhei, and finish the day in the world's largest underground wine cellars Cricova or Milestii Mici.

Don't forget about Transnistria - a unique territory within Moldova, a self-proclaimed state, being called the last soviet country in Europe. It is absolutely safe and worth visiting, trust me.

Those are just some recommendations, and we can easily build a new tour!

Please, feel free to contact me if you have any questions or if you want to book a tour with me!

Thanks a lot!

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