Berthoni Siregar - местный частный тур гид в стране Индонезия

I'm a legal tour guide in Jakarta Indonesia, my license number 0086.06.UJP.PMU.-1.838.6 and I've been a tour guide since 2007, I've been traveling to many places in Indonesia, and I like my job because I can meet many peoples from many countries, I could arrange tour package for daily sight seeing in Jakarta and the other city in Indonesia. during my free times I like to go to the cinemas to watching movies, I like action movies also romantic, but the most I like is action, besides that sometimes I also market a place in Jakarta where you could watch the traditional dances from Indonesia such as Bali dances, Java Dances, etc and in this place also has performance of Angklung music ensemble and also the gamelan musical instrument, you will feel interest to watch the show. Please feel free to contact me anytime, if you are looking for a your own personal tour guide. It will be my big pleasure to show you around Jakarta and the others city.

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