Julien Robert - местный частный тур гид в стране Франция

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I offer you more than just a guide. I suggest you get involved in addition to visiting. Come with me to pick up some clams or harvest some girolles... I'll teach you how to cook them to taste them better. Come with me to pick up a few bottles of wine in the best vineyards... And much more... Boat walking, fishing, hiking in the dunes… Contact me, Totaly free or Priceless if fees for me (train ticket or gaz..) but No money for me...

I'm not what you might call a guide... I consider myself more of a travel guide... I wouldn't have the incredible knowledge that other people much more specialized than me have that you can find also I suppose on this site... What I propose to you, in fact, quite simply and I repeat it, without payment on your part, is to make you discover my region seen by the eyes of a native of stock. I will make you discover surfing and swimming spots known only by people here, In the season, we could go for a walk in the forest and I will make you discover the edible fauna and flora (mushrooms, wild berries...) of our beautiful region, A wine outing? You choose what you want to taste, we discuss the subject together, you make your choices (château, type of wine...) and I manage as best I can so that we can go there together. Want to harvest? Why not... An outing to Bordeaux? Nightlife ? Good restaurant plans? I will help you not to be mistaken... Whether we meet here or not? Whether I accompany you or not? Do not hesitate to contact me, I will be happy to help you and guide you in the preparation of such a beautiful trip. And very important to me...Volunteering.... No Bitcoin, PayPal, CB, cash or others... Just a smile ♥️😁♥️

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