Marcelo Alarcón - местный частный тур гид в стране Чили

  • English
  • Español

Hello, a pleasure.

My name is Marcelo and I have been a tour guide for more than 20 years. I can tell you that I have been lucky enough to be in several countries, which has opened my vision of the world and its people. I consider myself an empathetic, cultured, respectful, very professional person and a lover of my job. I like to make a different tourism experience feel, to give my personal stamp in what I do knowing that in general the places that one shows or visits are the same. I live in Concón, which is a neighboring municipality of Viña del Mar, which in turn is a neighbor of the famous Valparaíso, so I am truly a local guide to this part of Chile. Over the years I specialized in private tours focused mainly on tours to vineyards in the Casablanca Valley, very famous for its white, sparkling and pinot noir wines, and which is very close to Valparaíso.

In relation to my tours, I can tell you that I have my own transportation to be able to carry them out with a maximum capacity of 4 people. If it were more I could coordinate a larger transport, but I need time.

I can do all my tours in English, Portuguese and Spanish without any problem since I speak those languages ​​fluently. I have no restrictions of any kind.

* All my tours can be customized upon request, please contact me.

See you soon.

A tender greeting.


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Marcelo A.

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Name: Marcelo A.

Tour Guide #: 55044

Tours Given: 5 (first tour on Oct 17, 2022)

Lives in: Concon, Valparaiso, Chile


Hello, a pleasure.

My name is Marcelo and I have been a tour guide for more than 20 years. I can tell you that I have been lucky enough to be in several countries, which has opened my vision of the world and its people. I consider myself an empathetic, cultured, respectful, very professional person and a lover of my job. I like to make a different tourism experience feel, to give my personal stamp in what I do knowing that in general the places that one shows or visits are the same. I live in Concón, which is a neighboring municipality of Viña del Mar, which in turn is a neighbor of the famous Valparaíso, so I am truly a local guide to this part of Chile. Over the years I specialized in private tours focused mainly on tours to vineyards in the Casablanca Valley, very famous for its white, sparkling and pinot noir wines, and which is very close to Valparaíso.

In relation to my tours, I can tell you that I have my own transportation to be able to carry them out with a maximum capacity of 4 people. If it were more I could coordinate a larger transport, but I need time.

I can do all my tours in English, Portuguese and Spanish without any problem since I speak those languages ​​fluently. I have no restrictions of any kind.

See you soon.

A tender greeting.

Tourism promoter. Chilean National Tourism Service (SERNATUR)

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