Bernardo Galmarini - местный частный тур гид в странах Аргентина, Уругвай

A PRIVATE PHOTOGRAPHY TOUR is tailor-made PHOTO TOUR, designed and arranged just for you and your needs, and may include several locations in Buenos Aires.

The tour includes:

- INTRODUCTORY TALK: (if necessary, depending on the participant´s knowledge) with basics of creative composition, camera functions, exposure, etc. in a Bar or public park.

- SNACK: A cup of coffee, tea, or soda with a sandwich, cake (or similar), etc., is included in the Tour while the introductory Class takes place, in a Bar to be decided by PHOTO TOURS BUENOS AIRES between several options. (It may be after the Tour if you want)

- SHOOTING in one or several neighborhoods of Buenos Aires (or where you choose) during the lapse of time you prefer.

- PERSONAL GUIDANCE: A professional and experienced travel, editorial and stock photographer will assist you in all steps, so you can get the best of your creative and technical capabilities in your photographs.

Языки Английский, Испанский
Валюты Доллар США (USD)

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