Reza Zarechian - местный частный тур гид в стране Иран

I (Reza) was born in Iran and grew up in Tehran.

Working as tour guide and then tour operator supervisor for 20 years in Iran.

Since last March when Corona virus has effected the whole world and most of tour operator companies stop working in many countries I decided to act as a driver guide to provide private tours for those who would love to visit Iran.

My goal is to introduce my country to foreign travellers who would like visit my country Iran in details and I believe that I am capable to guide independent small group and Solo traveller also individual to visit every corner of my country.

I travel almost 30,000 KMS each all around my country Iran because of my job and I have enough knowledge about Iran to share with foreign travellers who are interested to visit cultural and historical places or who would love to have experience of activities such as hicking and trekking in mountains or deserts also mountain biking and camping in beautiful country side.

I hope my explanation will help travellers to decide if they are interested to travel in Iran with me.

All the best

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